Friday, 2 May 2014

Teeth Whitening Techniques - It’s the Modern Way!

Dentists have been using lasers since 1994 to treat a number of dental problems. Lasers are very effective in treating issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, removing lesions from the mouth and cosmetically whitening the teeth. Lasers speed up the whitening process and considered very safe to use.
Teeth whitening can be described as a process of removing stains from tooth enamel, which occur due to a number of reasons – tea, wine, coffee and foods can stain teeth over time. Lasers are used to whiten teeth by first applying a tooth whitening gel and then activating it with light. The process of laser teeth whitening in Toronto and many other major markets are very much in demand. Laser teeth whitening are proving to be very effective in are provingtients who undergo the procedure. Whitening sessions take about an hour and the results can be seen quite fast – teeth get up to six shades lighter right after the treatment. For those who have stains from drinking a lot of coffee and smoking, additional sessions are needed to remove deep-set stains. 

Why choose laser teeth whitening in Toronto?

Most people look for ways to improve their appearance and one of the easiest methods available is to whiten one’s teeth. White, sparkly teeth are usually considered to be an indicator of good health and make a person look younger. It is a fact that people with white teeth and nice smiles, smile a lot more than those who feel embarrassed about their teeth. The biggest advantage of getting teeth whitened with lasers is that results take a shorter amount of time as compared to all the teeth whitening products and systems. White teeth are possible within an hour of treatment.

Conventional Vs. Laser Whitening

Conventional methods use a number of different procedures – the most common one is custom molded trays, which hold bleaching agents. Gels used in these kits work slowly and it takes up to a couple of weeks for the results to be evident. Dentists recommend using both methods to get the best results.

Before using lasers to whiten teeth, dentists usually clean teeth and remove surface stains and tartar deposits in the mouth. Once the patient chooses the colors they want for their teeth, the next step is to apply the peroxide gel to the teeth. Gums are protected from this gel and then laser light is used to activate it. Crystals in the gel penetrate and remove stains effectively and fast.



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